Charity and Outreach Communication

Charity, being one of the chief virtues of masonry, is something we strive for in every masonic communication. A list of some of the philanthropy we confer is listed below, however this is not a fully comprehensive list of our fraternal work.

Outreach Committee

A committee founded in our business meetings to check on and update brothers who did not attend our business meeting (either by choice or circumstantial).

This also provides direct communication to widows and other close relatives so that we may be of service to them in the future.

General Fundraising & Services

A way for us to generate funds for the fraternity, donate goods and services to those who need it and to sponsor events as an organization.

Freemasonry have been patrons of large community events in the past, such as providing hospice foundations and disaster relief.

Kendall’s BBQ

Personally, Paris Lodge No. 2 has brothers who have devoted their time and efforts to this side of masonry.

Mike Kendall has given his catering abilities to many large gatherings and events, such as our personal lodge meetings and the annual Grand Lodge communication.

Walt Ryder

Part of our Charity and Outreach Committee, but also serves on the Grand Lodge Committee “Masons Helping Masons”.

He also devotes his efforts to degree work, as he has conferred many degrees for those in and out of our lodge.