Paris and Grand Lodge Documentation

Many men took the teachings of freemasonry to heart and now we reap the benefits. These are amendments, protocols and code of conducts that ensure clarity and harmonious action from the craft.

Paris Lodge Bylaws

A reference to our Lodge Bylaws; these are updated as necessary to facilitate harmony and brotherhood during meetings and regular fraternal commute.

Grand Lodge of Kentucky Constitution

A reference to the state constitution. It is the primary legal document presiding over our fraternity at all times and, therefore, must always be adhered to through our conduct and proceedings.

Robert’s Rules of Order

Originally a publication for standard parliamentary procedure written for congress in 1876; it has since been adapted for freemasons as a decorum and protocol reference book.

This text is essential for ensuring production and peace throughout lodge business. It allows each brother to foster an understanding of how our lodges should be ran, and eliminates confusion, conflict and dissention resulting from expected transgression.